I have always wondered what it would take to start a blog. ''Well, since everybody is having one, it must be easy'', I first thought. Basically, all I need is a computer, internet, a free platform, and ''shazam'' here would be my blog. Although it is true, I have since realized that more than having an idea of what I wanted to share in terms of contents, I still needed my blog to look attractive. I had this picture in my head but did not know how to achieve it. With no technical skills in web-design or photography, how would it be possible to put together an appealing lifestyle blog at no cost? It was overwhelming at first and this is probably why it took me such a long time to start this project. Fortunately, this blog is all about accepting my imperfections; I have no more excuses not to do it. I will put my heart to it and conquer every challenge one step at the time. I want the blog to look perfect, like these ''fancy blogs'' out there but do not have the means to pay for professional services for now. So with a little bit of thinking, I came up with a simple process to at least present something.
From choosing the right platform to finding a coherent look for the blog, I wrote down four points that will serve me as a guideline: passion, inspiration, a little bit of technicality and some help, I mean a lot!
In the second part of this article, I will elaborate further on theses points. Meanwhile, I am waiting on your feedback on this first topic. If you have a blog, how did you start? Or if you are thinking of starting one, how would you do it ? Is there a typical scheme to follow?etc.
Share your experience by commenting below or on '' the gram''. You never know, it might be very helpful. Bye for now...

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